Best Dog Food for Itchy Skin
It is common for dogs to scratch themselves once in a while – we all do it. But if your dog seems to be scratching excessively or if he develops very itchy skin, it could be a medical problem. In addition to having your dog’s condition diagnosed by a veterinarian, you might also consider switching him to a different dog food.
Common Skin Problems
Different breeds of dog are prone to developing certain skin conditions including allergies, dandruff and scabies – skin problems can also be caused by fleas, ticks and other insects. Skin problems in dogs are commonly caused by environmental factors such as low humidity and exposure to environmental allergens like dust and pollen. In addition to affecting your dog’s skin, these problems may also make your dog’s previously lustrous coat dull and dry. Your dog may also develop dandruff as well as a habit of scratching himself excessively.
Some other common skin conditions seen in dogs which may cause itchy skin include bacterial dermatitis, ringworm and seborrhea. All of these conditions affect dogs in different ways, but the symptoms all boil down to irritated (and often itchy) skin. In many cases, a change of diet can work wonders in improving your dog’s condition. Seborrhea, for example, may be the result of a deficiency in fatty acids and protein in the diet. If your dog is allergic to a certain ingredient in his food, it could also produce skin-related problems. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from a skin problem, you should take him to the veterinarian for a diagnosis.
One important thing to realize about skin conditions in dogs is that over-the-counter treatments may only treat the symptoms, not the cause of the disease. If your dog has dry, itchy skin, for example, you might receive recommendations to bathe him using a moisturizing shampoo. While this may soothe your dog’s discomfort for a short time, the problem is likely to return. If you truly want your dog to experience relief from his itchy skin, you may have to do something a little more significant. Depending on the condition your dog has, your veterinarian may recommend medications, injections or changes to your dog’s diet as treatment.
Recommended Dog Food Brands
While changing your dog’s food may not be the cure to his itchy skin problems, it may be able to make a difference. Below you will find a list of some of the brands recommended for dogs with itchy skin:
- Buffalo Blue Basics Dog Food
- Brothers Complete Advanced Allergy Care
- California Natural Dog Food
- Natural Balance Limited Ingredients
- Wellness Simple Dog Food
Remember, if your dog is suffering from itchy skin, switching to a different dog food may help but it shouldn’t replace a visit to your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can tell you whether your dog’s symptoms are the result of an underlying condition and he can direct you to the proper treatment.