8 Tips for Choosing Healthy Dog Food for Puppies
A dog owner must know the importance of the right food for the health and safety of their dog. Good quality food improves their immune system, strengthens their digestive system, and keeps their coats shiny and smooth.
Choosing healthy food is a hassle that almost every dog owner experiences because options are endless, and knowledge is limited. Every brand claims to be the best, making it challenging to select the right food for your puppies.
When pet owners try to buy food for their dog, they frequently come across questions such as, is raw food safe for my puppy? How many carbs are enough? Which brand is best?
After reading the guide below, you will get answers to all these confusing questions. Here we summarized 8 key tips that are essential for choosing healthy dog food;
1. Know Nutritional Requirements of Your Puppies
Nutritional requirements of dogs change with their age, just like the human body, which demands different nutrition at different stages of life. Puppies require protein-rich foods, while adults require a low in proteins diet.
Puppies need protein-rich food because their body parts require growth and development. The highly active lifestyle of puppies is another reason they require dog food with high protein content. Puppies should contain at least 25% protein in their diet.
Similarly, puppy food should have a considerable amount of fatty acids. Fatty acid DHA is essential for the nervous system of puppies. So Fatty acid DHA should be present in more concentration in puppies than in adults’ food.
Moreover, puppies need soft dog food as their teeth and gums aren’t as strong as adult dogs. Therefore, choose wet food or soft food options for your little pets.
Many brands misguide their customers by saying that their food is “for all ages”. But don’t fall into the trap and read the ingredients mentioned on the pack before buying puppies food.
2. Go For All Natural Ingredients
Natural food is always best for puppies as they cannot digest food with artificial additives. Artificial ingredients and fillers disturb their stomach and harm their digestive system.
Brands attract customers by using the word “natural”, but before buying, you must thoroughly read all the ingredients in the list of dog food. If all the mentioned ingredients are truly natural, then buy the food.
Otherwise, stick to food prepped at home and avoid going to the market.
3. Know Puppy Food Allergies
If your puppy has itching, diarrhea, flatulence, and other similar symptoms, it means your pet is having some food allergy. Foods sometimes initiate food allergies in dogs.
In such cases, visit the vet to understand your dog’s food allergy and eliminate the specific ingredients that trigger those allergies. Most experts sometimes recommend an elimination diet as the most effective way to eliminate all the common allergens from the diet.
4. Choose Food On The Basis Of Puppy Size/Breed
Choosing dog food based on the size of your puppy is a good step. For example, Rottweiler and Chihuahua puppies can not have the same food requirements.
Large breed puppy food requires a specific ratio of phosphorus and calcium so that their bones develop properly to help avoid joint disease. On the contrary, smaller breeds have a fast metabolism which means that they burn calories faster than large breeders. Therefore, select food that contains a high percentage of protein, calories, and fats per gram for small breeders.
5. Prefer Grain-Free Food
Foods that are very high in carbohydrates sometimes become a hassle for the digestive system of many puppies. Over time, such foods may lead to food allergies, inflammation and other health issues.
Switching to a grain-free diet may lessen the possibility of the diseases and may significantly improve your dog’s health. Another option is to remove grains from your dog’s diet for two weeks and see the results.
If your puppy show enhanced energy and shining coats, then it means you are certainly on the right track.
6. Prefer Feeding Trial Info
Another helpful tip while picking the best dog food from the vast array of options is to look at the feeding trial info. Foods that have undertaken feeding trials should be preferred.
A food product that has undergone trial and approval is safe for canine consumption. So, choosing the brand with feeding trial info is better than those without such information.
7. Avoid Raw Food in Diets
The US Food and Drug Administration study shows that raw dog food is a major source of bacteria and other contaminants than cooked dog food. As a result, many veterinary organizations discouraged the use of raw meat diets. So try eliminating raw food from your dog’s diet or consult your vet to know safety methods to proceed.
8. Research Different Brands
Selection of a brand based on label or price is a foolish step. If you are feeding your commercial dog food, researching the chosen brand is very important. There is a wealth of information about dog food brands on the internet. Read all the reviews to evaluate the brand’s suitability to your dog.
Conclusion For Choosing Healthy Dog Food
It is exciting to bring a new puppy to your home, but sometimes it gets exhausting when you cannot find the right food for your puppy. Dog owners face a lot of confusion while buying food for their puppy friends.
Every brand claims to be best for your puppy, which makes it difficult for you to choose the best one. Any nutrient deficit or surplus food during their early phase of life can have long-term effects on your puppy’s health.
That’s why vets recommend feeding a diet specially produced for puppies until your dog is fully mature. Above, we have given the 8 most valuable tips to help you while buying the best dog food.
Understanding your puppy’s needs, researching the chosen brand, and observing the list of ingredients are essential steps that will assist you in making the right choices. If you still experience confusion in choosing healthy dog food, then taking experts’ guidance will surely help you solve the problem.